Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chocolate class

Janet and Derrick

Derrick making transfer sheets


Graduation Day

The reason we went to Montreal was to take a chocolate class at Callebaut Chocolate. It was in a little town 45 minutes from the city. There were 8 students, all experienced chocolate people and most had a pastry background. 6 were from the states, 2 from Canada. All worked/owned candy or catering businesses. The van would pick us up at the hotel at 7:30 am and bring us back at 6 pm. It lasted 4 days. It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot. The other class members were very nice and extremely helpful. Although I thought I knew a lot about chocolate, I found that I didn't know as much as I thought I did!! I found out why my caramels leak (I need to cook it 2 degrees more), but I like the texture, so I might have to put up with it.

Our instructor was wonderful!! He is from China. He was delightful and very knowledgeable. He was extremely helpful and calm, even when we were doing things wrong. My cooking partner was from Seattle. She has a chocolate business there and makes some beautiful chocolates. I'll post some photos that I took in class. We made more than 20 different types of candies. I used equipment that I have never seen before but now I want to own!! We even got to play with the enrober. I always thought that hand-dipping was the best way, but I think I have been convinced that there are different and maybe better ways of dipping.


Unknown said...

THANK YOU for sharing a bit of your experience. this makes me want to go there. Would you want to give a mini demo for UBD one time? How are you going to change your chocolate making?

Mel said...

Ruth! This was fantastic! And you got some amazing photographs. . . How can we bribe you to add some detailed captions and explanations under most of them? Or can we stay tuned for the Power Point presentation?! Thanks for sharing!
(P.S: You skinny little hottie! How are you doing that and deep-trench chocolate ed at the same time?!)